Yeah, we’re talking about insomnia. One of the most commonly hated ‘diseases’ of all times – this clandestine thing is able to sour your life as hell. The alternation of sleepless and tired periods is so annoying that people who suffer from this unique problem often start to take sleeping pills and other kind of medicines to reduce the level of tiredness, yet we all know that this isn’t the adequate solution. Okay, but what can we do and what kind of factors lead to a serious insomnia?
Well, scientists proved that you can easily blame your parents for it, as sleeplessness turned out to be hereditary in most cases: a published study discovered a genetic mutation that’s squarely responsible for those dreamless nights. Moreover, they’ve also found the exact chromosome (number seven) which is able to cause this disfunctionality. But first of all, we have to define what insomnia exactly means: if you’ve experienced really hard dormitions too many times, you are often incapable to go back to sleep after waking up early in the morning, or you feel that your sleeping quality is low several times, then we’re sure you are googleing insomnia again and again. Naturally, all of us had already struggled through a few nights because of stress, physical or mental pain, foreign conditions or anything that’s able to disturb our sleep, but chronic sleeplessness is so appalling that it needs to be healed – well, this research means that in the future doctors will be able to cure people who suffer from this cunning kind of disease!
Yet still, there are a lot of things you can do to avoid insomnia:
Firstly, try to do a lot of mental and physical activities! Confoundedly back-breaking workouts and tiring mental challenges will truly improve the quality and simpleness of your sleep, just give it a try! Secondly, you always have to provide yourself with the best sleeping conditions! Staying up late, then waking up early in the morning, then falling asleep in the afternoon, then falling asleep early in the evening – and the circle goes on…
Thirdly, pay attention to your diet: caffeine, carbs and alcohol are the best breeding grounds for insomnia. Try to stick to a healthy lifestyle, cover your carb-needs from vegetables and fruits, take nutritional supplements (especially magnesium and melatonin), don’t drink coffee, energy drinks or black tea after 2-3 PM and try to exercise in the morning or at latest in the afternoon!